ItalyStart: my site on everything about Italy

ItalyStart: my site on everything about Italy   From now on I will publish my custom articles on a special site of the publishing group Bright...

Who will be the next pope?

Also read the article that delves deeper into the lives of the main candidates for the papacy Who will be the next pope? If you were...


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Top 10 Rome Movies

TOP 10 ROME MOVIES Roman Holiday (1953). The iconic film with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck whimsically takes the viewer on a ride (quite...

Prosecco is the new Champagne

Sparkling wine becomes more popular every year. The biggest climber is Prosecco, that you don't necessarily have to drink with New Year's Eve or...

Baby could be your newest obsession

BABY COULD BE YOUR NEWEST OBSESSION I was met with a friendly “ciao” and a nice conversation when I recently met actor Lorenzo Zurzolo, who plays...

Writing, Rome and Everything in Between

Writing, Rome and Everything in Between American Author Elizabeth Geoghegan on Writing, Rome and Everything in Between   Interviewed by Sarah Lackey Immediately upon meeting my professor on...

No more coins into the Trevi Fountain

Italy has been sealed off for five weeks now. Without tourists, no single coin is going to come in the Trevi Fountain. This has...


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