ItalyStart: my site on everything about Italy

ItalyStart: my site on everything about Italy   From now on I will publish my custom articles on a special site of the publishing group Bright...

Who will be the next pope?

Also read the article that delves deeper into the lives of the main candidates for the papacy Who will be the next pope? If you were...


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Raphael in Rome is once in a lifetime

Raphael in Rome is once in a lifetime He was the most beloved artist of his time. He died young, at the age of 37, and...

Best Italian TV series 2020

BEST ITALIAN TV SERIES 2020 If you cannot come to Italy, Italy will come to you. Pick your favorite Italian TV series as you wait...

Italy is now committed to ecological transition

Italy has a Ministry of Ecological Transition as of today*. This will form the core of the new Italian government. Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi,...

New Italian film museum is true experience

The new Italian film museum couldn't find a better place than in Cinecittà in Rome, the mecca of Italian film. The musuem that opened...


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